Effective April 1, 2021
Payout amounts and timing are based on the level of the Driver’s experience.
Line Type


Non-Experienced Car Hauler (or someone with less than 1 year of car hauling experience)
How Much
After the Referred Driver’s successful completion of 90-days
After the Referred Driver’s successful completion of 1 year of service
Line Type


Experienced Car Hauler (at least 1 year) OR Owner/Operator
How Much
After the Referred Driver receives their first paycheck
After the Referred Driver’s successful completion of 6 months of service
After the Referred Driver’s successful completion of 1 year of service


  • Office employee with a “Supervisor” title or below are eligible.
  • Both Office Employee and Referred Driver must be actively working at time of payout.
  • Referred Driver must be operating auto transport equipment in a full duty capacity and meeting
    productivity goals.
  • Should the Office Employee or Referred Driver have a leave of absence during this program due to FMLA,
    military leave, major injury, Worker’s Compensation, etc. the measured date will be extended by the
    number of days/weeks missed.


This program can be, at any time, modified or terminated with or without notice by Proficient Auto Transport, Inc. The Office Employee should understand that the amount listed will be paid within 30 days of the date listed.

With Proficient the Possibilities Are Endless